Senior web developers design and create websites, as well as other online applications, which requires knowledge of programming languages, UI/UX principles, graphic design, and search engine optimization. In addition to their web development duties, senior web developers are often responsible for training junior web developers.
Company Rules & Regulations :
The following Rules and Regulations shall apply to all employees of the Company while in theCompany’s premise at all times including break times and overtime :
Each employee must act in accordance with the company’s policies, orders, rules,regulations, guidelines etc. applicable from time to time.
Proper registers must be maintained for easy tracking and record keeping.
Professional staff working at client locations will need to observe the clients working hours and lunch break.
Occasionally you may require to take some time off during the course of the working day or you may wish to leave a little early.
In professional services firms such as ours, fees earned are largely based on the actual number of hours worked to serve clients.
The annual leave entitlement could be different for each location.
An increment based on individual performance shall be given every year.